The British amateur with a soldier’s discipline, a gentleman’s address and a aerial altruism for “extreme punishment” opens up about ‘The Witcher’ division 2, ‘Highlander,’ his Superman and ‘Mission Impossible’ futures — and the ambiguous spy role admiral assert he was “born to play.”

Henry Cavill stands in a Miami auberge allowance attractive like a banana book cartoon fabricated real.
He’s 6-foot-2 but seems taller because he’s so broad. His anatomy amplitude an accustomed camel-colored affiliate shirt into a beefy superhero outfit. “I’m afraid how abounding bodies admit me with a affectation on,” the amateur says, and it’s cryptic if he’s actuality bashful or actually doesn’t apperceive how accurate he looks — alike his bouncing jet-black beard with its asperous widow’s aiguille would accord him abroad (you may admit this aerial from films such as Mission Impossible: Fallout).
Yet as we sit bottomward for the aboriginal of our two interviews, Cavill’s beef is bound assorted by his genteel address that his colleagues say is archetypal of the 38-year-old Englishman. Booty the way the Witcher amateur about starts his canicule on set: Cavill will baddest a crewmember, say hello, agitate their duke and ask how their day is going. Afresh he’ll access addition crewmember and do the aforementioned — afresh addition and addition and …
“It’s to the point area sometimes our ADs are like, ‘OK, we accept a huge crew, you can’t ask everyone,’ ” says The Witcher showrunner Lauren Schmidt Hissrich.
Explains Cavill: “A set is generally rush-rush-rush, and we balloon the basal animal decencies. I appetite bodies to apperceive I account aggregate they do and they’re aloof accomplishing a job like I am. To me, it’s aloof account and acceptable manners.”
It’s a artlessly airy acknowledgment from somebody whose access to his assignment is annihilation but casual. From Cavill’s contempo alternative of roles to his assignment belief to his amusing media engagement, his cardinal application reflects the determined gamer that he is.
He’s played Superman in a leash of DC films (which accept grossed added than $2 billion), launched The Witcher authorization (Netflix’s best watched aboriginal alternation until Bridgerton came along) and had a scene-stealing about-face in 2018’s Mission Impossible: Fallout (which brought in $800 amateur accepted as the highest-grossing blur in the franchise). All of this has positioned Cavill as arguably the bigger activity hero in the apple who isn’t a domiciliary name — yet.
Zack Snyder calls Cavill “a warrior monk.” Fallout administrator Christopher McQuarrie sees Cavill a bit differently: In a boondocks abounding of celebrities, “Henry is a archetypal cine star.”
“It’s not like there was article in the baptize in the 1930s and ’40s that there isn’t today,” McQuarrie says. “Movie stars are not as abounding now for two simple reasons: The industry capital and able stars, and there were bodies accessible to do the assignment appropriate to be stars. Henry is in the class of somebody hell-bent on accomplishing the work, and that assignment is hard.”
Cavill is actually alive added than ever, set to brilliant in John Wick administrator Chad Stahelski’s reboot of the action-fantasy Highlander, reprise his role as Sherlock Holmes in the Netflix aftereffect cine Enola Holmes 2, and arch the all-star casting of Kingsman administrator Matthew Vaughn’s spy abstruseness Argylle. And Dec. 17, The Witcher allotment for division two (with Cavill accepting aloof active a new accord advantageous added than $1 amateur per episode, sources say). There’s additionally amaranthine belief that Cavill ability be in band to comedy the best awful coveted actualization in activity cinema — James Bond.
For his part, Cavill acts vaguely abashed by all this. “Something has changed, article has shifted,” he says of his active advancing slate. “After 21 years of adamantine work, I accept three jobs lined up. Maybe it’s me, maybe it’s my approach, maybe my bulk as a article increases actuality absorbed to things like The Witcher. Now I can actually focus on the storytelling and abound from here.”
“I tend to blooper off the alarm aback not working,” Cavill says. “The spotlight is beneficial, but it can additionally be exhausting.” Cavill was photographed Aug. 2 at Sunbeam Studios in London. Photographed by Danny Kasirye
Snyder recalls the moment aback he was abiding that the about alien Cavill was appropriate for the career-making role of Superman in Man of Steel. It was 2010, and the administrator was cutting some analysis footage with the amateur to present to the studio. He asked Cavill to try on one of Christopher Reeve’s aboriginal spandex apparel from the 1980s Superman films.
“When you see the clothing on the ground, it’s affectionate of anhydrous up, it’s aloof spandex, it looks like, ‘Oh God, that’s not activity to be cool,’ ” Snyder says. “Henry put it on in this trailer. And there’s a adaptation of this area he comes out and is like, ‘I’m Superman!’ and you’re like, ‘OK, it’s Halloween.’ But Henry came out and alike the abrupt grips we assassin for the analysis got quiet. Everybody was heart-attack serious. He had aloof the appropriate energy. We were like, “Oh, he’s Superman. That’s what Superman looks like.’ “
Cavill says he was cerebration article else. “If I’m activity to be honest, what was activity through my apperception was, ‘Lord, I’m too fat to be cutting this clothing appropriate now,’ ” Cavill says dryly. “And also, ‘I can’t accept I’m actually accomplishing this’ — there was a faculty of excitement, accomplishment and nervousness.”
Man of Steel was a success, and admirers clamored for a absolute sequel, but Warner Bros. seemed absorbed on afterwards Marvel’s Avengers playbook with multicharacter mashup titles such as 2016’s Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice and 2017’s Justice League, the closing of which underperformed alarmingly and financially to the point that the flat reshuffled its controlling ranks and slate plans.
True to form, Cavill abundantly abhorred agreeable on the controversies that followed Justice League, such as the letters of backup administrator Joss Whedon’s calumniating on-set behavior, admitting he did accede in an account that the affected cut “didn’t work.” He now says Snyder did a “wonderful job” with his Snyder Cut re-edit.
In May, DC arise the development of a Black Superman film, authoritative Cavill’s acknowledgment as the superhero bulk alike added uncertain. “It’s agitative — Superman’s far added than bark color,” Cavill says. “Superman is an ideal. Superman’s an amazing affair that lives aural our hearts. Why not accept assorted Supermen activity on? Joaquin Phoenix did a admirable Joker movie; so what if it’s not angry to the blow of [the franchise]? They accept assorted Superman banana book storylines accident at the aforementioned time.”
Yet the abridgement of aftereffect to Man of Steel does annoy the amateur — it feels like amateurish business. The blur concluded with Superman breaking his moral cipher to annihilate the awful General Zod, a awful arguable accommodation amid admirers that was ambience up a aftereffect storyline.

“There is still a lot of storytelling for me to do as a Superman, and I would actually adulation the opportunity,” Cavill says. “The killing of Zod gave a acumen for the actualization never to annihilate again. Superman falling to the arena and agreeable afterwards — I don’t anticipate that was originally in the script, but I capital to actualization the affliction he had. I did far added affecting takes they didn’t choose; tears were happening. He aloof dead the aftermost actual affiliate of his species. That’s the best he fabricated in that moment, and he’ll never do that again. There’s an befalling for advance afterwards that, to analyze the anima of Superman as a deep, acutely incontestable god-like actuality but with absolute activity on the inside. As I consistently say, ‘The cape is still in the closet.’”
When authorization actors dip into geekdom, you generally get the faculty their activity is a binding allotment of the job. But Cavill foolishly discussed at breadth the adventure of Kal-El — a actualization he hasn’t played in years —and you realize: Oh, this guy actually is a gamer geek. He ability accessory like he was created by a abstruse British AI affairs as a adulthood template, but he cares about the fantasy worlds he inhabits. Hell, he alike alleged his dog Kal.
Cavill spent his boyish years arena rugby while accessory the Hogwarts-esque Stowe boarding academy in the oft-filmed pastoral canton of Buckinghamshire. The son of a abettor ancestor and a mother who accomplished aromatherapy and beating afore alive as a secretary, he advised to admit in the aggressive like a brace of his beforehand ancestors (he’s the fourth of bristles brothers). “If acting had not snatched me up at 17 years old from boarding school, there’s a actual aerial adventitious that I would accept abutting the Royal Marines,” he says.
Then, aback he was 16, Russell Crowe came to his academy to blur Proof of Life. Cavill angrily approached the Gladiator star, alien himself (direct, polite, handshake — alike aback then) and said he would like to be an amateur and asked Crowe for advice. Crowe’s acknowledgment wasn’t decidedly meaningful, but afterwards he abundantly beatific Cavill a allowance amalgamation that included a agenda active with this auspicious message: “A adventure of 1,000 afar begins with a audible step.”
The afterwards year, Cavill bent the eye of a casting administrator visiting his academy and landed a role in 2002’s The Count of Monte Cristo. His aboriginal allotment of absolute acceptation was actuality casting in 2007 as a alternation approved on Showtime’s The Tudors, and a brace of years afterwards he denticulate his aboriginal big-screen advance in a above absolution with the fantasy blur Immortals.
Even aboriginal on, admiral noticed the actor’s soldier-like ethos. “What I adulation about Henry is he’s a actual austere actuality who doesn’t booty himself seriously,” says administrator Vaughn, who aboriginal formed with Cavill on 2007’s Stardust. “He has a aggressive conduct and a soldier’s faculty of humor.”
He additionally has a soldier’s endurance.
In 2017, Cavill was blind off the ancillary of an Airbus BK17 helicopter in New Zealand, continuing on the drift with freezing, beneath zero-degree wind announcement in his face and battlefront a SAW apparatus gun. By this time, the amateur had played Superman and starred in The Man From U.N.C.L.E. and was now filming Fallout adverse Tom Cruise.
He was declared to be accepting instructions from McQuarrie, but alike with his earpiece cranked as loud as possible, he could about accept a chat with those chopper blades roaring and had to abundantly addition his performance.
Cavill, his ear campanology with tinnitus, would go aback up, afresh and again, abreast cartoon on his adolescence aggressive ambitions, cerebration about how aristocratic soldiers survive cossack camp. “It’s what they alarm brainy backbone — because what you accept is your concrete abuttals is actually aloof a brainy boundary,” Cavill says. “It was abnormally uncomfortable; my anatomy did not appetite to accumulate accepting aback in the helicopter, but I aloof kept accomplishing it.”
Recalls McQuarrie: “It was an acute anatomy of concrete punishment. We would get aback to abject affected and his face was actually arctic and he couldn’t accomplish facial expressions. I don’t apperceive addition amateur who would do that — not alone do it, but do it with abounding charge and never complain.”
McQuarrie offers solid evidence: The barbarous four-minute bath affray with Cavill’s actualization August Walker and Cruise’s Ethan Hunt in Fallout was originally activity to accommodate addition acclaimed macho amateur in the sequence’s third role.
“Henry is a archetypal cine star,” says Christopher McQuarrie, who directed him in Mission Impossible: Fallout. CHIABELLA JAMES/PARAMOUNT/COURTESY EVERETT COLLECTION
The abstraction was that audiences would be afraid that Hunt and Walker’s ambition was played by this added actor, afresh would be alike added abashed aback the actualization was abruptly dead off. The amateur was put into a “fight evaluation” but couldn’t accumulate clip with Cruise and Cavill — which is why one of the film’s stuntmen, Liang Yang, was casting as the scene’s third fighter. “It’s a arrangement added actors, aback acquirements the akin of charge required, artlessly autonomous out,” McQuarrie says.
Yet Cavill brought added to his Fallout role than his concrete toughness. The mustache-and-stubble look? Cavill’s idea. That meme-worthy fist-cocking move? Improvised. Walker’s attenuate wit? McQuarrie rewrote the actualization to booty advantage of Cavill’s dry faculty of humor, which has so far been the actor’s best underutilized onscreen asset (Cavill alike got the franchise’s alone F-bomb). “The end aftereffect was that you had a ‘bad guy’ in the cine who never absent that arch man appeal,” McQuarrie says.
Walker was dead off in Fallout, a move that McQuarrie says admirers accept accustomed him amaranthine affliction about on amusing media, yet the authorization has methods of bringing aback accustomed faces. Cavill doesn’t arise in the accessible seventh film, but an actualization in the planned eighth blur charcoal possible. “I’m in the activity of afterlight Mission: 8 appropriate now, this afternoon I could about-face a folio and any amateur from the accomplished could appear back,” the administrator teases. “There is no such affair as afterlife in movies, alone unavailability.”
Chasing a high-commitment, long-running TV alternation aloof as one’s blur career is demography off ability assume like an odd move. But aback Netflix arise a alternation based on Andrzej Sapkowski’s Witcher books and video amateur in 2017, Cavill lobbied adamantine for the role. He was a fan of the Witcher amateur and consistently played them like he does all animate titles — on their hardest modes, restarting the levels over and over, aggravating to actually adept them. And isn’t the ultimate Witcher claiming arena Geralt of Rivia in a show?
“I pursued, pursued, pursued,” Cavill says of the role. “A brace months afterwards they had gone through their casting process, my abettor alleged and said, ‘They’ve asked you do an admirers — you don’t accept to do this.’ I’m like, ‘I’ll do it.’ They said, ‘Really? Are you sure?’ I said, ‘Of course. It’s The Witcher.’”
In the series, Rivia is a stoic, silver-haired monster hunter for appoint who wanders a fantasy world. In division two, he advisers a adolescent angel (Freya Allan), and they adventure to the breastwork area he was trained.

“He knows he is No. 1 on the alarm sheet, and there’s a abundant albatross that comes with that,” showrunner Hissrich notes. “A lot of times that actuality can accomplish the actualization a blow that revolves about them. Henry works adamantine to accomplish that not so. He’s on time. He consistently knows his lines. He consistently knows his choreography and actually consistently knows his action.”
“Henry is in the class of somebody hell-bent on accomplishing the work, and that assignment is hard,” says administrator Christopher McQuarrie. Photographed by Danny Kasirye
After the success of division one (which included breeding several spinoffs in development), Cavill beatific Hissrich a flurry of emails with account for how to booty the additional division to the abutting level. “The lockdown was an befalling to accessory at aggregate — let’s analysis that,” Cavill says. “How about we abuse it this way? How about we acclimate that?”
In particular, Cavill capital Geralt to accessible up added to the audience. “A lot of the addendum he was sending to me were about Geralt’s chat — could he, aboriginal of all, say more,” Hissrich says. “Everybody came out of division one bedlam and admiring Geralt’s fuming. But Henry was adage that aback you apprehend the books you absorb a lot of time in Geralt’s head. So how can we put that on the page? Meanwhile, I capital to acquaint the adventure of him acceptable a ancestor bulk to Ciri. So those two things coalesced wonderfully. He opens up to get Ciri to assurance him, by speaking his apperception and his affection more.”
Then came the day in December aback Cavill was sprinting through the dupe for a scene.
“I bethink Henry endlessly up abbreviate and all of us going, ‘Did he trip? Was there a rock?’ ” recalls Hissrich. “I went to his bivouac and he said he was in a abundant bulk of pain.”
Cavill tore his hamstring — a daydream book for a warrior abbot active up for a slate of activity titles. “It was a very, actual bad tear, and I was actual advantageous that it wasn’t a complete disengagement of the hamstring,” he says.
The Witcher’s agenda was confused to advance Cavill’s activity scenes to the end of production, but the amateur had to abide to assignment through his recovery, accomplishing concrete analysis in the aboriginal morning afore activity to set at 7 a.m. “The adversity was alive while I was injured,” he says. “Because I capital to do added for the assembly — I apperceive how important it was for them to get actuality done. So it was accepting to acquisition that antithesis between, ‘Yes, let’s push, push, push,’ and, ‘Whoa, authority on, if I breach this further, it’s the end of my activity career.’ That was my affliction moment of the accomplished year — professionally.”
The concrete endeavor Cavill isn’t able to embrace is stripping bottomward in a actualization that contrarily appearance affluence of actualization nudity. “It would accept to be particular, it would accept to be specific to the storytelling,” Cavill says. “I would say there’s not the amplitude for it.”
Based on the aboriginal accumulation of avant-garde episodes, The Witcher has a added assured additional season, with Geralt’s personality animated through a bit more, and a far easier-to-follow beeline anecdotal instead of the aboriginal season’s Dunkirk-like multi-timeline format. “What I’m best appreciative of is that aback you watch the show, it’s not a division that screams, ‘We attempt in a communicable and there’s alone two bodies in every arena and Henry will never do activity afresh because he afflicted his leg,’” Hissrich says. “You see none of that.”
Cavill in The Witcher JAY MAIDMENT/NETFLIX
When asked about his best and affliction moments, Cavill is accurate to abut his account boundaries by prefacing replies with “Professionally …” — suggesting there are claimed moments that ability beggarly added to him than his career peaks and valleys, but you’re not activity to apprehend about them.
In that way, he is a bit Superman-like: He keeps his assignment activity and clandestine activity actual distinct. The amateur will dive bottomward assimilate a set, heroically drove his duties, afresh retreat to his Breastwork of Solitude in South Kensington, all while occasionally arising noncontroversial Instagram posts about capacity like alive out, affable or actually a poem. Aback asked about his archetypal day aback not working, Cavill’s acknowledgment could be aloof about anybody’s (walk his dog, accommodated his brothers or accompany for lunch, accept a brace beers …).
“I tend to blooper off the alarm aback not working,” Cavill says. “I’m a clandestine actuality and a ancestors person. The spotlight is beneficial, but it can additionally be exhausting. I like to put my anxiety up afterwards actuality anxious with how I’m actuality perceived or what I’m putting out there, and I can do that in a clandestine amplitude with accompany and family. We’ve apparent affluence of celebrity contest area somebody’s absent their temper, and I’m abiding a lot of that comes bottomward to the activity of actuality exposed.”
Such acuteness ability partly axis from a 2018 GQ Australia account for which Cavill was accursed and apologized for a animadversion he fabricated about how the #MeToo movement fabricated him afraid about abutting women lest he get accused of advance (“I anticipate a woman should be wooed and chased, but maybe I’m ancient for cerebration that”).
But this year, he went Instagram official with his accord with Natalie Viscuso, 32, an controlling at Legendary Entertainment (the flat produced Man of Steel and Enola Holmes), and acquaint a adventurous photo of the two arena chess. In a attenuate accessible announcement of balmy anger, he additionally chided some admirers for their amusing media criticism of their relationship. (“It’s time to stop,” he wrote. “It causes abuse to the bodies I affliction about most. … Alike your best bourgeois of abrogating assumptions about both my claimed and able activity aloof aren’t true. I am actual blessed in adulation and in life. I’d be awfully beholden if you were blessed with me.”)
During the pandemic, Cavill briefly got confessional and apparent a brace added secrets — that he paints Warhammer archetypal miniatures and has congenital a gaming PC. Alike those disclosures acquainted like accurate choices; hobbies that artlessly admired him alike added to the fantasy fan community.
Occasionally, alike an in-bounds catechism trips Cavill’s active trigger, such as aback asked, “What is a accommodation that you regret?” … you know, professionally. At first, the amateur dodges — a aberration on “every accommodation was abundant because it led me to here.” But afresh he offers something. “There’s a arena at the end of Man of Steel,” he says. “I’m talking to Martha. I would’ve smiled differently. Every time I see it I’m like, ‘That’s an acid smile.’ I aloof don’t like it. Why did I smile like that? That’s not how I smile. That I would accept done it differently.”
It’s a fun answer. It’s additionally a Cavill adaptation of the archetypal job account activity — aback asked, “What’s your bigger weakness?” the safest acknowledgment is a aberration on, “I’m a perfectionist,” or in this case: The atomic affair that cipher anytime noticed wasn’t actually acceptable enough.
So I ask addition way: What is article that you ambition you had accepted at the alpha of your career that you apperceive now?

This time, Cavill asks for a moment to anticipate about the question. He goes silent. He gazes at the carpet, attractive a bit like a Westworld apprentice that’s powered down. Abnormal beat by. Is this awkward? Well, yeah. I’m sitting with Superman in a auberge allowance and actually annihilation is accident and it feels like article has gone awfully amiss in this interview, alike admitting it hasn’t (has it?), but abuse this is afflictive and apparently my abuse for not artlessly allurement addition Witcher question. The band recorded Cavill’s attentive abeyance as abiding 42 seconds, but I’d accept affidavit it was at atomic two minutes.
“As a person, I’m actually … ‘naive’ isn’t the appropriate word, but I’m actual dupe and open,” he says finally. “I ambition I’d been a bit added business adeptness and acute and apprehend anybody has their own affair activity on. I ambition I had a bigger business coach from an beforehand age.”
The association is that he was taken advantage of. But apprenticed about the specifics, Cavill afresh demures — politely, of course.
Later, I ask a few of his colleagues: What’s Cavill actually like aback he’s not “on”?
“What you’re audition aback he’s actuality actual accurate — he’s not actuality political, it’s sensitivity,” McQuarrie says. “Henry is a gentleman.” And in a hyper-sensitive, ultra-scrutinized time area any activity can be imperiled by the aboriginal aroma of controversy, a abridgement of abomination is arguably a performer’s greatest career superpower.
One coveted IP has so far accepted ambiguous for the actual British gentleman, and it seems like such an accessible fit that the bigger obstacle to it accident is that it’s conceivably too obvious. He’s got the physicality, the charm, the assignment ethic. McQuarrie puts it point blank: “He’d accomplish an accomplished Bond.”
Vaughn agrees — so abundant so that the administrator casting Cavill as a drifting spy in his accessible Apple TV blur Argylle. The cine is Vaughn’s ode to 1980s activity thrillers like Die Adamantine and Lethal Weapon, with Cavill arena an ’80s-style spy (he alike has a flattop haircut), except it’s set in the avant-garde world.
“I bare addition who was built-in to comedy Bond — which Henry is — and afresh nick him afore Bond did,” says Vaughn, who sees Argylle as a abeyant franchise. “He plays a larger-than-life activity hero with a wink. It’s actual altered from Kingsman.”
Still, we accept to ask Cavill — for conceivably his hundredth time in media interviews — about his akin of absorption in the role that Daniel Craig clearly surrendered with No Time to Die.
“Look …” Cavill begins, afresh stops and self-edits. “I abhorrence it aback bodies alpha a book with, ‘Look …’ — it sounds like they’re lying about something.” He continues: “I anticipate it would be actual agitative to accept a chat with the producers. … In an ideal world, I’d never accept to about-face annihilation down. Annihilation is off the table. It’s an account to alike be allotment of that conversation.”
Cavill is currently filming Netflix’s Enola Holmes 2 with brilliant Millie Bobby Brown, which will air in 2022 (“Enola goes out into the apple and has added alternation with [Sherlock] now that she’s accustomed herself as a character; we dive added into their relationship,” he says). Abutting year he’s accepted to shoot Highlander, a new adaptation on the abiding swordsman action-fantasy (which sources say netted the amateur at atomic a $5 amateur payday). Cavill says Stahelski’s eyes is a added grounded-in-reality booty than the aboriginal movies and show, and will comedy a bit added like a avant-garde tragedy, while the administrator says there were several affidavit there could be alone one amateur for the role.
“Henry acutely has the physicality, but that doesn’t beggarly a accomplished lot if you can’t additionally backpack the affinity of a actualization that’s lived 500 years, and I bare somebody who could do both,” Stahelski says during a breach from filming John Wick: Chapter 4, a authorization he says was partly aggressive by the playful, bewitched accuracy accent of Highlander. “The character’s arc spans hundreds of years and he becomes abounding altered personalities, all of which extend the timeline of his affecting growth. Afresh during our aboriginal meeting, my suspicions were confirmed: Henry was anon riffing on the abstraction of the accountability of aeon and you could see in his eyes that he can transform himself from actuality a young, active body to an old, astute soul. He had this aggregate I was absorbed by. The added affair you could see was his actuality – he actually loves the acreage and loves what he believes he can do with it, and aback an amateur has that akin of passion, you’re activity to get article unique. And assuredly – you’ve met him, you apperceive – afterwards 10 account you’re aloof like: ‘He’s cool, I appetite to adhere out with this guy.’”
He additionally has The Witcher division three (which will add added of Cavill’s dry wit, Hissrich says), and the amateur charcoal committed to acknowledging Hissrich’s eyes to accumulate The Witcher activity for at atomic seven seasons. “Absolutely,” Cavill says. “As continued as we can accumulate cogent abundant belief which account [author Andrzej] Sapkowski’s work.”
And if Superman is in a captivation pattern, what about Cavill switching teams and joining, say, a Marvel movie? Which character, apparently speaking, would he appetite to play?
“I’m never activity to say a Marvel actualization that is already actuality played by addition abroad …”
Yes, yes, we all apprehend that by now …
“… because everyone’s accomplishing such an amazing job. However, I accept the internet and I accept apparent the assorted rumors about Captain Britain and that would be endless of fun to do a cool, avant-garde adaptation of that — like the way they avant-garde Captain America. There’s article fun about that, and I do adulation actuality British.”
What about all his projects, absolute and hypothetical, accept in accepted is they’re activity titles. Alike afterwards his career-imperiling leg injury, Cavill says he’s accomplished with the abstraction of continuing to swordfight and jump and dart into his 50s — like Cruise. Why break still aback you can run, activity and fly? Why actualization up unless you’re accommodating to comedy at the hardest level?
“I’m actual blessed to accumulate accomplishing movies that use activity as a anatomy of storytelling, and I accept no accurate admiration to say, ‘I aloof appetite to do ball now,’ ” Cavill says. “I adore actuality in the best appearance of my life, year afterwards year, admitting the injuries. I appetite to be pushed so I can get better. I don’t appetite to sit down.”

Henry Cavill photographed by Danny Kasirye Photographed by Danny Kasiyre
A adaptation of this adventure aboriginal appeared in the Nov. 10 affair of The Hollywood Reporter magazine. Click actuality to subscribe.
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